ANALISIS EFISIENSI PEMASARAN TEMPE (Studi Kasus di Sentra Produksi Tempe Sanan, Kelurahan Purwantoro, Kecamatan Blimbing, Kota Malang)
Marketing Efficiency, Marketing Margin, Farmer's Share, Commerce ChannelsAbstract
Tempeh industry is a typical household business that requires little
investment and has few workers. Efficient marketing could optimize the income of
tempeh’s producers. This research aims to understand the marketing efficiency and
factors that affect the purchasing margin of tempeh in selected areas. This research
will study the value of farmer’s share and the marketing margin of tempeh to
evaluate the commerce efficiency. The sampels are the producers and sellers. 58
tempeh’s producers are selected by the simple random sampling method. The
sellers, on the other hand, are chosen using the snowball sampling, a technique that
tracks down the marketing process. The variable studied in the research are as
follows: 1) producer’s tempeh’s selling cost, 2) tempeh’s selling price on
commercial institution, 3) marketing cost, 4) total amount of sold products, 5)
numbers of marketing institution where the product passes, 6) the marketing
margin, 7) the farmer’s share, and 8) marketing efficiency.
The research finds three marketing channels on the case study areas. The
first channel is from the producers to tempeh. The second channel is form producers
to retailers to consumers. The third channel is from producers to peddlers to
consumers. By using the farmer’s share, the calculation of commerce efficiency.
The leading cause is the lack of middlemen. Moreover, the double regression
analysis show the retailers tempeh selling cost (X4) to be the dominant factor in the
marketing margin of tempeh.
Keywords: Marketing Efficiency, Marketing Margin, Farmer's Share, Commerce Channels
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